New Normal and Physical Distancing

Respect the signs
There will be signage to identify restricted zones and frequent disinfection of high-touch areas.

In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, participants are encouraged to be pro-active in their efforts to minimize the transmission of the virus by adhering the following guidelines:
- Stay home if you are feeling unwell or experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath;
- Practice physical distancing – stay two metres apart;
- Wash hands with soap and water frequently (for a least 20 seconds);
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands; and
- Wear cloth face coverings or masks when in proximity of others.
Limited activities
Our goal is to resume limited operations with full regard to public safety guidelines regarding physical distancing and proper health measures to limit exposure to possible respiratory illnesses.
To that end, the following items should be noted:
- Contact-less payments (no cash – online preregistration or credit card)
- Participating teams should limit the number of crew to four (4) persons
- Pitlane may be restricted with pit stalls closed
- Limited access to buildings – face coverings or masks are mandatory
- Showers will be open
- Overnight stays are permitted
- Snack bar will remain open